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Hello, Friends!

We've all heard the saying, "Bloom where you are planted!" And often we think immediately that it's about a literal place where you are - like a neighborhood or a street.

It can also mean that you can bloom wherever you are emotionally, spiritually, physically or mentally in this chapter of your life.

If you were a seed, you would be planted below the ground, where it's dark and cold with no sunshine to warm you. It may seem hopeless, difficult and dark. But within days, after sunshine on the ground (the warmth and love of others around you), and perhaps some rain to water the soil (often times, that rain is tears), you find yourself breaking out of the shell you are in - growing toward the light and blooming into a new creation.

That's what we believe here at The Studio. Some of you may be new to exercising, new to Yoga or maybe you're back to exercising after taking some time off and it's hard right now. The beginning of something new can be hard - for sure - but trust us when we say - the bloom is on the horizon! Keep trusting the process.

Whether it's being healthier, a change in life, a hard situation you are going through or a frustration you're dealing with - the bloom is coming. We are all always in process. Some of us are blooming at this very moment - and some of us are on our way. We are all alive, though, so that tells us that we have life not only to experience, but to give to others.

This week - bloom where you're planted! We are here to help warm you and water you - and we can't wait to see what you become.

We'll see you soon!

Your Studio Team

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